Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps

Western Bay of Plenty Cricket Association (WBOPCA) is a constituted body whose objectives include the development of youth cricket in the Western Bay area.  As one of the focal points of WBOPCA’s development programme we aim to send teams to the annual Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps, held in January each year. In previous years this tournament was known both officially and colloquially as the ‘Riverbend’ tournament, due to the name of one of the accommodation facilities players resided at whilst in Hawkes Bay. 

As well as the tournament proper in Hawkes Bay, the teams often play warm-up games pre Christmas vs teams from neighbouring regions and each other. The same may occur post tournament throughout February and March.

Above all else, WBOPCA send players to Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps to have a enjoyable experience. The focus is on equitable on-field opportunities for all participants and a supportive, fun environment off the field, too. Through this, a Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps experience should support player development in ways that include, but are not exclusive to:

  • Improved batting, bowling, and fielding skills in the context of the game

  • Building game sense and an understanding of cricket strategy

  • Cooperation and teamwork

  • Development of life skills such as resilience, grit, self-reflection, and empathy

  • Leadership

Dates and Formats

The dates for 2025 camps are as follows:

Year 4/5: Monday 6th to Wednesday 8th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House & Hereworth)

Year 6 - either:

Year 6 White: Sunday 19th to Wednesday 22nd January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House & Hereworth)


Year 6 Black: Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House & Hereworth)

Year 7 - either:

Year 7 White: Wednesday 15th to Saturday 18th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House)


Year 7 Black: Sunday 12th to Wednesday 15th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House & Hereworth)

Year 8 - either:

Year 8 Black: Wednesday 15th to Saturday 18th January 2025 (teams stay at Napier Boys’ & Girls High School)


Year 8 White: Sunday 19th to Wednesday 22nd January 2025 (teams stay at Napier Boys’ & Girls High School)

Year 9: Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th January 2025 (teams stay at Napier Boys’ & Girls High School)

Year 10: Sunday 5th to Wednesday 8th January 2025 (teams stay at Napier Boys’ & Girls High School)

Year 11-13: Sunday 12th to Wednesday 15th January 2025 (teams stay at Napier Boys’ High School)

Girls Year 6-8: Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House)
Girls Year 9/10: 
Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th January 2025 (teams stay at Woodford House)

Female players may also attend any other tournament date in mixed teams, either within their own year group, or may be permitted to play down one year level. 

Note: For Year 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 tournaments there will be A & B Divisions

The playing conditions for each age group in 2025 will be posted here when available. 

Eligibility and Selection

Players who play Saturday cricket for a registered club or school in the Western Bay of Plenty are eligible to attend Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps with a WBOPCA team. From time to time, players from outside this region may be seconded to help complete team numbers also. 

Players will not be ruled out of selection on the basis of ability. WBOPCA will endeavor to create balanced, equal-ability teams in each age group on the basis of historic performance, potential, technique, specialist skills, fitness, attitude,  friendships, and general team fit. This means there are no guarantees that teams will stay the same year to year.

In some age groups, because of the Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps criteria, players may be split into A & B squads on the basis of experience and or ability as determined by WBOPCA in conjunction with parent and/or coach assessment.

In the Year 4 and 5 combined age group, priority will be given to Year 5 players, where registration numbers dictate that there are not enough, or too many players, to make complete teams.  

Priority will be given to players other than those representing BOP Coastlands at Year 9 and above.  However, WBOPCA reserves the right to select BOP Coastlands representatives in the event that it will allow for more WBOPCA players to gain game and tournament experience. 

Players will be placed in teams within their current (2024) school year group. WBOPCA reserves the right to move players up or down one year level in the event that it will allow for more WBOPCA players to gain game and tournament experience. Parent requests to move players outside their relevant year will only be met if numbers allow. 

Skills-based development sessions will be held for each age group during October.  Dates and times for this are yet to be confirmed. Inability to attend one of these sessions will not exclude players from selection.  

Teams will be finalised and announced via email to parents from the WBOPCA Operations and Competitions Manager following each development session and before November 1st 2024. Families will be contacted regardless of whether their child is successful or unsuccessful in making a team.  

Any queries regarding team selection/formation should be directed to WBOPCA Operations and Competitions Manager 

Mikael Carter


021 120 5066

Coaching and Managing

The WBOPCA Junior Subcommittee will approve team coach and manager positions once team selections have been finalised.

The positions are open to all coaches and managers affiliated to a WBOPCA club/school participating in one of our WBOPCA Competitions (Junior/Youth/Senior). 

The following is the necessary criteria that all coaches and managers must meet prior to any training and/or fixture with their team - 

Must comply with New Zealand Cricket’s Health and Safety Requirements for Coaches as follows:

  • Be registered on the New Zealand Cricket coaching database on Friendly Manager. 
  • Be Police vetted by NZC within the past three years even if they’ve been vetted by another organisation or their employer.
  • Have completed NZC’s online “Welfare of Children & Vulnerable Adults” module.

WBOPCA will assist coaches and managers with this process. These requirements will also be applied to any other adult staying in the shared accommodation facilities with any team. 

Financial Commitment

There will be a financial cost per player for attending Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps. This year we anticipate this could start from around $420 for each Year 4 or 5 player, up to approximately $550 for Year 9 and 10. This payment contributes towards:

  • The tournament entry free required by Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps.
  • Accommodation on the dates listed for each age group at the facility they are assigned.
  • Breakfast and dinner at their accommodation facility.
  • Accommodation and food for two supervising adults.
  • Lunch if accommodated at Napier Boys High School Hostel.
  • A WBOPCA playing shirt for each player.
  • A WBOPCA playing cap for each new representative at Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps (or replacement cap where required). 
  • Incidental costs that coaches and managers occur whilst at the tournament - laundry, ice, first aid etc. 

WBOPCA seeks funding for match and practice balls for each team to help subsidise these costs. This season WBOPCA will also be coordinating a fundraising drive to attempt to bring costs down. 

Teams are also able to conduct their own fundraising and seek sponsorship before the tournament to mitigate costs. 

Families that find the tournament costs prohibitive to their child participating should confidentially contact the WBOPCA Operations and Competitions Manager (wbopca@gmail.com) to discuss financial support options. We want to help break down the barriers to children having this amazing experience. 

Refunds and Tournament Cancellation Policy:

Hawkes Bay Cricket Association is very unlikely to cancel any tournament ahead of time due to weather. The expectation is that teams will travel to Hawkes Bay and be prepared to play any amount of cricket that is possible taking into account the weather day by day. 

WBOPCA will not be refunded any accommodation or food costs by Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps irrespective of if a tournament is canceled or reduced in playing days.

Additionally, uniforms and caps are pre-purchased and printed with unique team sponsors and player numbers so cannot be refunded. 

In some circumstances, where a player needs to pull out of a team due to illness, injury, or family circumstances, before the tournament WBOPCA may have the ability to refund all or part of that player's tournament costs, particularly if a replacement can be found.


July - October

Expressions of interest open for players.

Families can start a payment plan with WBOPCA for their tournament fees.


Expressions of interest open for coaches and managers.

Coach development courses available for interested people. 


WBOPCA development days to be held. These are skill based sessions for players interested in attending Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps. 

Friday 25th October - Last day for player registrations.


WBOPCA confirm teams by Sunday 1st November. Coaches and managers will be finalised at this stage also. 

Mid November

Parent/Caregiver pre-tournament meeting.

Late November – Early December 

Potential pre-tournament fixtures.


Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps tournaments.

February - March

Potential post-tournament fixtures.

Spirit of Cricket and Development Philosophy

Central to all WBOPCA endorsed teams and matches is The Spirit of Cricket.

Cricket owes much of its appeal and enjoyment to the fact that it should be played not only according to the Laws, but also within the Spirit of Cricket.  The major responsibility for ensuring fair play rests with the captains, but extends to all players, match officials and, especially in junior cricket, teachers, coaches and parents.

Respect is central to the Spirit of Cricket.

Respect your captain, team-mates, opponents and the authority of the umpires.

Play hard and play fair.

Accept the umpire’s decision.

Create a positive atmosphere by your own conduct, and encourage others to do likewise.

Show self-discipline, even when things go against you.

Congratulate the opposition on their successes, and enjoy those of your own team.

Thank the officials and your opposition at the end of the match, whatever the result.

Cricket is an exciting game that encourages leadership, friendship and teamwork, which brings together people from different nationalities, cultures and religions, especially when played within the Spirit of Cricket.

Pod Systems - Providing Opportunities for Development

Great sporting experiences for children and youth athletes are inclusive and cater for all levels of abilities, motivations, and aspirations.

Whilst winning is often the obvious goal in sport, true success is more than points on the scoreboard. The lessons learned through participating in sport transcend the playing field and contribute to shaping the character of young people. 

WBOPCA hopes that participants come away from Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps having had a tonne of fun and made some great memories, but also having grown in confidence, motivation, knowledge, and understanding.

Key to these outcomes are equitable opportunites, therefore WBOPCA supports and encourages team coaches and managers to organise their team for the tournament using batting and bowling pod systems as defined here:


  • A team should be divided into batting pods - usually 3 pods in a traditional 11 aside fixture.
  • Each game the pods rotate. For example, in Game 1, the order might be A-B-C, Game 2 the order might be B-C-A, and Game 3 the order might be C-A-B.
  • Flexibility of the batting order within the pod is permitted. Player involvement in the formation of the order is encouraged.
  • Teams are advised to distribute their ‘stronger’ batsmen evenly throughout the pod.


  • The players in the last batting pod should have the first opportunity to bowl.
  • Over a period of games the coach and manager are to try and ensure that all players have an equal opportunity to bowl, keeping within the bowling load limits as determined in the playing conditions for each age group.

Wicket Keeping

  • Players who want to wicket keep during the tournament should be given a fair opportunity to do this through sharing wicket keeping duties over the tournament. 

WBOPCA acknowledge that opportunity does not always equal time at the crease, such is the nature of cricket. Coaches and managers are encouraged to support players through disapointment and help them refocus on making a successful contribution to the team. 


Parents are responsible for ensuring their children are safely transported to and from Hawkes Bay for the tournaments.

Many parents will stay in the Hawkes Bay region and support their child/team. There are many roles that parents can fill that ensure the tournament is a success - scorer, umpire, photographer, team clothing washer, sunscreen and hydration monitor, errand runner. The coach and manager cannot do everything themselves so we encourage parents to get as involved as possible.

We highly recommend that families travelling with teams take gazebos with them as Hawkes Bay summers can be particularly hot.


Players register here - link to come 

Coaches and Managers register here - link to come

Further Information

Further information about Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps including playing conditions for each age group can be found here 


Also please follow WBOPCA and Hawkes Bay Cricket Camps on Facebook and Instagram for more updates



